It feels like a quiet week, when not much has happened, yet when I look back on it, a gerat deal has happened.
We have accepted an offer on our house, so it looks like the move will be going ahead. It is a first time buyer with no chain, and she seems as keen to get in as we are to get out. The park home site that we are moving to is the most sought after in the whole country, so we are very lucky that it has fallen into place. The house we are buying has been on the market for nine months, and we sold ours within a week! It was obviously waiting for us ...
The Journey group started back on Friday. I didn't sell any copies, as they all left their money at home - doh! I ordered 20 more this week, which should arrive soon, to replenish stocks, and so that I have some more review copies to send out. I sent two this morning - one to a magazine called Readers Reviews and one to Borders Head Office for their consideraton. Readers Reviews is a magazine published by POD publisher Troubadour, where they review and sell self published books, kind of like a POD book club. It is worth considering I feel. Borders have not replied to any of my answerphone messages, and their website says they need to see a copy for consideration, so I have bitten the bullet and sent it through. I will see what happens. I am still waiting on Watkins and Waterstones in Kingston and will have to chase them up in the week.
I went into Waterstones in Epsom on the way home to see if my books were on the shelf. I couldn't see them, so asked. They have 2 in stock and another one on order. The girl thought that they were probably upstairs waiting to be put out, as they only arrived a week ago, so they should be there next time I go in. Apparently they took a week to arrive, so at least I know the time frame involved if anyone else wants to order one ...
The sales figures for August went live on Richard's site yesterday. I sold 3 UK copies and 2 US. The UK ones are probably the 3 that Waterstones ordered, which means that the Chalice Well have not ordered any more, and also that that shop in Stockport haven't. I wonder why? I have Emailed twice but heard nothing. I chased up Cygnus yesterday, since Richard hadn't heard from them. I spoke to Jackie Hollingsworth who deals with their submissions. She has been on holiday, and only works part time, so has a lot to catch up on. They get 200 submissions a month, and have a circulation of 60,000 people! She hopes to get back to me with an acknowledgement within the next 2 weeks and appreciated my patience and understanding. These Editors have a lot on their plates after all. If she likes it, she will pass it to their Editor who will contact Richard to negoitatate terms. It may be in their catalogue in time for Christmas. Richard being the cynic that he is, asked me which Christmas they meant!
Yesterday I also had an Email from West Country Books, a small wholesaler/distributor based in - you guessed it, the West Country. Would I be interested in signing up with them? One of the ladies on my mailing list told them about my book and suggested they get in touch. I already have the two distributors, Bertrams and Gardners, whom Richard has accounts with, but another is always worth looking at, especially since they specialise in Mind, Body and Spirit books and supply a lot of the smaller, New Age type shores. I forwarded their email to Richard so he can get in touch and see what they have to offer, and Emailed them to let them know.
The review which has gone up on the Internet forum I used to moderate has caused a bit of a stir. It was touch and go whether the current mods would allow it, but in the end they did, after the ordering information was removed! It is more a critique than a review, which took me slightly by surprise ... I have had several messages from people in response, so it must be causing some ripples.
Oh well, time for tea ...
We have accepted an offer on our house, so it looks like the move will be going ahead. It is a first time buyer with no chain, and she seems as keen to get in as we are to get out. The park home site that we are moving to is the most sought after in the whole country, so we are very lucky that it has fallen into place. The house we are buying has been on the market for nine months, and we sold ours within a week! It was obviously waiting for us ...
The Journey group started back on Friday. I didn't sell any copies, as they all left their money at home - doh! I ordered 20 more this week, which should arrive soon, to replenish stocks, and so that I have some more review copies to send out. I sent two this morning - one to a magazine called Readers Reviews and one to Borders Head Office for their consideraton. Readers Reviews is a magazine published by POD publisher Troubadour, where they review and sell self published books, kind of like a POD book club. It is worth considering I feel. Borders have not replied to any of my answerphone messages, and their website says they need to see a copy for consideration, so I have bitten the bullet and sent it through. I will see what happens. I am still waiting on Watkins and Waterstones in Kingston and will have to chase them up in the week.
I went into Waterstones in Epsom on the way home to see if my books were on the shelf. I couldn't see them, so asked. They have 2 in stock and another one on order. The girl thought that they were probably upstairs waiting to be put out, as they only arrived a week ago, so they should be there next time I go in. Apparently they took a week to arrive, so at least I know the time frame involved if anyone else wants to order one ...
The sales figures for August went live on Richard's site yesterday. I sold 3 UK copies and 2 US. The UK ones are probably the 3 that Waterstones ordered, which means that the Chalice Well have not ordered any more, and also that that shop in Stockport haven't. I wonder why? I have Emailed twice but heard nothing. I chased up Cygnus yesterday, since Richard hadn't heard from them. I spoke to Jackie Hollingsworth who deals with their submissions. She has been on holiday, and only works part time, so has a lot to catch up on. They get 200 submissions a month, and have a circulation of 60,000 people! She hopes to get back to me with an acknowledgement within the next 2 weeks and appreciated my patience and understanding. These Editors have a lot on their plates after all. If she likes it, she will pass it to their Editor who will contact Richard to negoitatate terms. It may be in their catalogue in time for Christmas. Richard being the cynic that he is, asked me which Christmas they meant!
Yesterday I also had an Email from West Country Books, a small wholesaler/distributor based in - you guessed it, the West Country. Would I be interested in signing up with them? One of the ladies on my mailing list told them about my book and suggested they get in touch. I already have the two distributors, Bertrams and Gardners, whom Richard has accounts with, but another is always worth looking at, especially since they specialise in Mind, Body and Spirit books and supply a lot of the smaller, New Age type shores. I forwarded their email to Richard so he can get in touch and see what they have to offer, and Emailed them to let them know.
The review which has gone up on the Internet forum I used to moderate has caused a bit of a stir. It was touch and go whether the current mods would allow it, but in the end they did, after the ordering information was removed! It is more a critique than a review, which took me slightly by surprise ... I have had several messages from people in response, so it must be causing some ripples.
Oh well, time for tea ...