Had a fairly quiet, but nevertheless eventful day. Did some more ringing round this morning and secured an order from Brentwood in Essex - just 2 copies, but it is a start and better than nothing. Six more Waterstones though sound interested - Aylesbury, Boston (Lincolnshire), Bishops Stortford (near Stansted in Essex), Belfast, Bournemouth and Brighton. There are actually two shops in Bournemouth, and I spoke to both of them. The smaller was happy to talk to me on the phone, but the larger requested that I post them information, which I have done today. The manager I spoke to at Belfast sounded particularly interested, and I would be very surprised indeed if he does not end up ordering some. I also caught up with the some of the other stores that asked me to send them information last week. Borders in Brighton received the information and will be in touch, Newbury are having a meeting on 23rd re the theology group and will get in touch to confirm dates, Beckton (East London) I could not get hold of, and I have not so far been able to get hold of Adam at Oxford Street either. He is on late night today though (working until 11pm poor thing), so I will try again later on. I also heard from back Grumpy Old Bookman to say that he will give me a mention at some point next week - will keep on eye on site then and post the link on here as soon as it goes up. This morning I also had an email from my friend Michele Doucet in Canada. I occasionally write for her ezine, Gateway to the Soul. She is putting a new book section though on her site and wants to feature mine. She sent me a load of questions then to answer, which I replied to and sent back. Will also post the link here as soon as it goes live. She notified me in fact of a problem with the paypay link on my ordering page, which did not for some reason seem to work. I have now rectified it though, and it must be working since I received an order from one of the members of My Writers Circle, which I posted half an hour ago. Tracy, whom I got to know via Books and Tales, a POD comparison forum has also apparently tried to order one. I am not sure how though, since her email was a little garbled and dificult to understand ! I am sure though that all will be revealed. I almost forgot in fact to mention the most important thing of all - I am doing a book signing at Waterstones in Staines ! It has all been confirmed for October 20th from 11am to 12 noon. Only for an hour, but I am sure all will go very well. My friend Jillyanne runs a dancing school in Staines as it happens, and has promised to bring along a lot of her pupils, so I straight away emailed her. She is away on holiday at the moment, but will see it when she gets back. I hope she doesn't have classes at this time !