Nadine Laman has nominated me for another blog award, passed to her by Ivy from Croatia, which Nadine has now passed to me. The award is known as the Kreativ Blogger. I have to list seven of my favourite things before passing it on, which may be difficult, since most of the truly creative people in my life do not have blogs. I will list them then instead.
So my seven favourite things:
1) Has to be my partner Coran - the number one creative inspiration in my life, who has given me so much. He was the first to truly listen to me and understand and has taught me so much about myself, with such brutal honesty that it sometimes hurts - in a good way!
2) The village in which I live, which I will not name except to say that it is located in Surrey, about halfway between London and Brighton. Coran and I were privileged to move here to our beautiful park home 2 1/2 years ago, and it was the best thing we ever did. Our quality of life has changed dramatically and for the better.
3) No list would be complete without the island of Lundy in the Bristol Channel which I visit around two to three times each time. This is a magical place, wild and rugged and teeming with wildlife of all descriptions. A perfect place in which to write and relax. The best thing of all is the knowledge that in less a week I shall be there again.
4) A long hot bath with lots of bubbles courtesy of those lovely people from Lush - fresh hand made cosmetics where the words organic and fresh really mean something.
5) Good home cooked vegetarian wheat free food. Meat eaters don't know what they are missing out on!
6) A good long walk in the fresh air with the wind blowing through my hair. There are no shortages of walks around here, which is one of the reasons our village is so special.
7) The opportunity to immerse oneself in silence. Silence is a much needed commodity which for most people with the frenetic pace of our 24 hour society is in short supply. We should value it and preserve the right to enjoy its life preserving benefits. It is not to be afraid of but to make friends with and welcome, like pebbles falling softly into the ocean.
So, who to pass this on to - well it has to be Coran first and foremost, and then my good friend Sarah Jane Grace, astrologer extraordinaire and my spiritual teachers from throughout the years, names of which are too numerous to mention. All those writers, actors and musicians from whom I have drawn inspiration - Michael J Strascynski, Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle, James Twyman, so many names from all different walks of life, all of whom have played their part. The people I have worked with over the years, all of whom have helped shape me into the person I am, some more painfully than others, but all of whom I am grateful for (this is beginning to read like the acknowledgements page of my book). The National Trust wardens who work so hard to preserve the space that surrounds our village, the beekeeper who 2 weeks ago removed a large hive from our garden, Richard and his team at Authors OnLine Ltd, who have and continue to be a pleasure and an inspiration to work with - those who run the meditation and Journey groups that I attend, goodness me, I am running out of space to list them all.
Anyone else then who has been forgotten - I am sure there are many.
So my seven favourite things:
1) Has to be my partner Coran - the number one creative inspiration in my life, who has given me so much. He was the first to truly listen to me and understand and has taught me so much about myself, with such brutal honesty that it sometimes hurts - in a good way!
2) The village in which I live, which I will not name except to say that it is located in Surrey, about halfway between London and Brighton. Coran and I were privileged to move here to our beautiful park home 2 1/2 years ago, and it was the best thing we ever did. Our quality of life has changed dramatically and for the better.
3) No list would be complete without the island of Lundy in the Bristol Channel which I visit around two to three times each time. This is a magical place, wild and rugged and teeming with wildlife of all descriptions. A perfect place in which to write and relax. The best thing of all is the knowledge that in less a week I shall be there again.
4) A long hot bath with lots of bubbles courtesy of those lovely people from Lush - fresh hand made cosmetics where the words organic and fresh really mean something.
5) Good home cooked vegetarian wheat free food. Meat eaters don't know what they are missing out on!
6) A good long walk in the fresh air with the wind blowing through my hair. There are no shortages of walks around here, which is one of the reasons our village is so special.
7) The opportunity to immerse oneself in silence. Silence is a much needed commodity which for most people with the frenetic pace of our 24 hour society is in short supply. We should value it and preserve the right to enjoy its life preserving benefits. It is not to be afraid of but to make friends with and welcome, like pebbles falling softly into the ocean.
So, who to pass this on to - well it has to be Coran first and foremost, and then my good friend Sarah Jane Grace, astrologer extraordinaire and my spiritual teachers from throughout the years, names of which are too numerous to mention. All those writers, actors and musicians from whom I have drawn inspiration - Michael J Strascynski, Neale Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle, James Twyman, so many names from all different walks of life, all of whom have played their part. The people I have worked with over the years, all of whom have helped shape me into the person I am, some more painfully than others, but all of whom I am grateful for (this is beginning to read like the acknowledgements page of my book). The National Trust wardens who work so hard to preserve the space that surrounds our village, the beekeeper who 2 weeks ago removed a large hive from our garden, Richard and his team at Authors OnLine Ltd, who have and continue to be a pleasure and an inspiration to work with - those who run the meditation and Journey groups that I attend, goodness me, I am running out of space to list them all.
Anyone else then who has been forgotten - I am sure there are many.