Exams were straightforward then today - A'level Science and Spanish - both 2 hour papers, one after the other. The 2 Spanish boys finished early though, so I was out of there by 4.15, which was nice. Then drove to our old stamping ground, New Malden, where I met Coran and on to Kingston for a Burger King (disgusting I know and full of wheat and all the things I am not supposed to eat) and then my talk !
It went well, very disappointing turnout though - 3 people plus Coran and Claire, the organiser. Not sure what happened, as they did a lovely display with signed copies etc and heaps of posters everywhere. I had damp eyes when I saw it all ! Three copies had been sold in advance though, and 2 more went tonight, which is good, plus one couple who were there (self published writers themselves) offered to swap links for our respective websites which is good. Claire will put the other books back on display anyway, and wait for them to sell, which I think they will. I signed three more copies to put on the shelf, which should help. Coran took some nice pictures of me as well standing at the table beforehand which I will put on my website, once the film is developed. Oh, and Claire let me take the posters home for prosperity as well, seeing as they don't need them. She is also happy to let me come back and do another talk in the future, which is good news.
So, what now, prepare for the next talk I guess, and ring Paul to let him know the news.... In the meantime, back to those exams, 2 more tomorrow - 9am to 10am and then again from 1pm - 2pm, with Tescos in between, unless there is of course a change of plan, which does tend to happen.....