I think on speaking to Richard first thing this morning that Paul got a bit carried away with the idea of press releases though going up on Richards site, since if he did this then all his authors would expect the same .... I will still then have to do most of the work myself, but that is fine, since I have both the time and the inclination. Will make a list then of more magazines that I can send review copies too, and also have another crack at Cygnus who may now be interested ... I will also contact some writers blog sites tomorrow, and then start on the local and national press.
So far then I have definate orders from Borders in Whiteleys, London, Fleet Street, London, Uxbridge, Lakeside and Wimbledon, with interest from Brighton, Newbury, Staines and Oxford Street (London). The Kingston branch of course has copies already. I also have orders from Waterstones in Godalming, Horsham and Redhill, as well as Epsom, which has stocked them for some time. Guildford and Staines are also talking about book signings and talks.
After that I spent the rest of the afternoon putting together a press release. It is difficult to think up a strapline that grabs the attention, but I think the one that I have chosen does the job. I paste it below:
The book that boldly goes where no other book has gone before
Genesis of Man by June Austin
the answer to life, the universe and everything in between …
The low discounts offered on print on demand titles, combined with an inability to accept returns are the single biggest obstacles that authors of these titles have to face. Author June Austin is therefore delighted to announce that her book, Genesis of Man has broken the mould, in more ways than one. This groundbreaking work, published by Authors OnLine Ltd, is now available direct from Gardners with a whopping discount of 40 percent on sale or return.
June said “I am delighted with this move, which will help bring my book to a much wider audience. Book stores have now nothing to lose by ordering copies. I will continue to do everything in my power to publicise this important work”.
This is a very informative and well researched book. It is laden with scientific, Biblical and historical evidence to support its arguments. It would be ideal as a companion to academic studies in subjects such as theology, philosophy and the social sciences. If you have read and liked The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, then you will love this book because it serves the opposite viewpoint.The Self Publishing Magazine
Copies are also available direct from the publisher.Email Gaynorj@authorsonline.co.uk or telephone 01633 676629.
Further details including sample chapteravailable from the author’s website at http://www.juneaustin.co.uk/
This isn’t unprecedented; Diggory’s POD arm – Exposure Books – offers all this (and a fair bit more) as part of its ‘gold’ and ‘platinum’ services to authors. They come at a cost, but as the printing and set-up fees are much lower than other POD publishers, this still makes for good value. I’m not saying that Diggory is better than any other publisher (in fact they’re not the only publisher to offer it); simply that you’re wrong to think you’re the first POD author to be getting this deal. Your publishers must know this so I’m surprised that you haven’t been better informed!
I take it from this that the author of this comment is him, or perhaps herself from Diggory Press. Actually for the record though, this is my blog and I am solely responsible for the comments posted on here, they are nothing to do with my publisher. My experience at talking to other authors and book stores up and down the country show me that it is unusual indeed for a POD to be avaialble on such terms. The MBS Buyer at Borders in Oxford Street did not even think it was possible, and certainly the guidelines on Gardners own website do seem to back this up.
I thought I had heard the name Diggory Press somewhere, and then remembered it was from the POD comparison site Books and Tales, which I post on. I suggest that readers of this blog have a look at this and make up their own minds.
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