Thursday, May 11, 2006

That was then, and this is now ....

Well, that was then, and this is now. Three weeks later the book is entering production. The cover is being designed as I write, and the proof reader is busy at work reading. I have moments when I have to stop and pinch myself that it is really happening after all these years of work, that my efforts will finally pay off, and I will see my name in print. What celebrations there will be that day.

My new website is almost complete, this blog being one of the last touches that I wanted to add. The idea is that people who log on to my own site, and also here, will be able to follow the entire journey to publication. If some of those who read these posts are also considering publishing, via any route, then all well and good. If what I write helps others that it will not have been in vain.

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